Thursday, September 11, 2008


Three posts in 2 days? Has Shaun started smoking the crack? No, but something just happened that's so cool that it demanded immediate posting...

Yeah, that's a picture of 2 cold air funnel clouds. There were 3, I guess, and the big one was even larger, but by the time I heard what was happening and got outside, these were all that were left. Isaac and I still watched them for 10 or 15 minutes before they roped out. Not surprising they lasted as long as they did, considering my wind gauge at the house was reading 0.0mph all afternoon :-P

But yeah! 5 summers of storm chasing in WI and the best funnels I see are outside my house in Alaska? There's gotta be a moral to that story...


Anonymous said...

That's an awesome picture and a great experience with your boy, but HOW much fun did you guys have chasing crazy ass storms around? ^_^

Deanna said...

so cool that you got a picture... i heard about these but didn't get to see them :)