But I figured, since I've started actually giving out this web address, I should probably pay a little bit of attention to, you know, actually providing a little bit of new content on occasion. Just a bit.
So let's take a look at just where exactly I'm moving to...

Nunapitchuk, Alaska. (Wikipedia entry, city-data entry, school page.)
To be perfectly honest, I know very little about Nunap. What I do know, I've just heard from Sara or read on the internet. Like everything out that way, it's well off the road system, though it is closer to Bethel than Quinhagak, and there's access to Bethel by boat when the river is open and by snowmobile when it's not. That will be nice, in addition to quite useful. I hear the fishing isn't as good as near other villages, with less salmon. In exchange, however, I'm told the Northern Pike fishing is excellent, and since I already know how to fish Pike, that will be fun. I know they're supposed to get more snow there than Sara's had in Quinhagak the last couple years, owing to the fact Nunap's a little more inland. I know they have boardwalks as opposed to roads like I saw in Quin. I also know that they have flush plumbing instead of honey buckets, which will be nice. But mostly, I know that I'm packing up my stuff and my dog and moving there in a couple weeks. So yeah, I'm excited!
More to come...